Live music shows are Branson's entertainment heart
by Gary Groman aka The Ole Seagull
Who could have known back in 1959 that when the Mabe family started performing their country music variety show called the “
Baldknobbers,” in a small 50 seat basement room in the Branson Community Center, the show would still be going 50 years later? Who would have thought that not only would the Baldknobbers be around 50 years later, but that that there would be another 99 or so shows of every type and description also entertaining millions of Branson guests?
If, in 1959, someone had said, “50 years from now people will be coming from all over the world to see live music shows in Branson” they would have been laughed at. Well, no one’s laughing now.
Oh sure, the millions of visitors coming to Branson come to see more than shows. They come to see the natural wonder of the Ozark Mountains, play or fish in one of our three lakes, go to
Silver Dollar City to one of Branson’s many other attractions, shop or participate in the myriad of activities and things there is to see and do in and around Branson. But, let there be no doubt about it, the very heart beat of Branson’s entertainment heart started with the first beat of music from the Baldknobbers show 50 years ago.
To an Ole Seagull, Branson’s entertainment heart is its music shows, particularly its family music shows and the values they represent. It is that heart that pumped the entertainment blood that enabled Branson to grow from one show entertaining a few fishermen a couple of nights a week in downtown Branson into the varied entertainment Mecca, entertaining about 7.5 million guests per year, it has become.
Oh sure a lot of things happened in conjunction with that first show, the completion of Table Rock Dam, the expending of Marvel Cave into what would become eventually become the international theme park award winner, Silver Dollar City, the Shepherd of the Hills Outdoor Drama and improvements to Highway 65. In 1967 the Presleys’ Country Jubilee opened its theatre on the now famous Branson Strip followed by the Baldknobbers as they moved out from their downtown location, the Foggy River Boys, and the Plummer Family. From there history speaks for itself.
Branson’s original country show style provided the foundation upon which the Branson show industry has grown. But today, as the live music show capital of the world celebrates 50 years of music shows those shows provide a breadth of entertainment that transcends any one genre or type of music.
The term “music show” covers just about every show in Branson where music is used either as a primary or peripheral element. Branson is celebrating 50 years of music shows because its shows have provided the type of entertainment and perceived value system that its audiences embrace and have become a unique part of the Branson entertainment brand that brings millions of people to Branson each year.
As those visitor come the see Branson they are offered a choice of shows offering everything from music, magic, comedy acrobatic, outdoor drama, pets, and variety shows most of which are still true to the initial family values and the heritage that started it all. Indeed, on just about a nightly basis throughout the season, one can still see, the “Baldknobbers,” “the show that started it all” and the “Presley’s Country Jubilee,” ‘the first show on the Branson Strip’” perform while having the choice of seeing one of the 98 other live shows available.
Some say Branson needs new entertainers, demographics, etc. An Ole Seagull believes that Branson needs to follow its “heart,” keep it healthy, promote and market it and the same thing that has happened over the last 50 years will continue to happen. It is an Ole Seagull’s prayer that Branson will always stay true to its shows and values because, he believes, that is the heart beat of Branson’s entertainment uniqueness and success.